Race Recap · 06/01/2022

Green hell bites back – Nürburgring Endurance Championship – Round 3

For round 3, Joe and I were joined by an additional driver who was there to help fill in as I had contracted COVID and was unable to race for the full time that I would normally run. He handled quali and the first stint, getting us and keeping us in 2nd place before handing it off to me. I had been doing well to keep in the top 3 and was on the last lap of my stint. Coming into Bergwerk I missed my braking point and sent it into the wall, requiring a 7 minute tow. Thankfully we do get 1 free fast repair per race, so we elected to use it for this stop. Joe then turned in clean lap after clean lap, keeping us in the top 10 and gaining a few places back. We eventually finished P6, which felt nice after having fallen out of the top 10. Hopefully we’ll have better luck next time.